MicroMatrices Announces Partnership Agreement with Advanced Cell Diagnostics for Preclinical Use of RNA ISH
12 Nov 2014
MicroMatrices, a service provider specialized in high resolution cell type-specific analysis to characterize toxicological responses in different cell types in tissue, has announced a preferred partnership agreement with Advanced Cell Diagnostics, Inc. (ACD), a leader in the field of molecular pathology and developer of cell and tissue-based analysis tools.
MicroMatrices solve molecular toxicological problems using unique visualization and localization technologies, adding resolving power to standard methodologies. Consisting of a highly skilled core of scientists networked to facilities of excellence across the United Kingdom, MicroMatrices is scalable, efficient and flexible. MicroMatrices offer innovative, collaborative, state of the art solutions for unique efficacy and safety requirements.
MicroMatrices has been well known for immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining and has recently become expert in the use of ACD’s RNAscope® Technology to detect RNA based biomarkers in situ. This has resulted in unique expertise in combined protein/RNA co-detection and co-localization to offer clients an exceptional target visualization capacity which can guide and/or corroborate mechanistic and mode of action studies. In recognition of MicroMatrices’ extensive experience in applying RNAscope in preclinical toxicology investigations for safety and efficacy, ACD has begun a preferred partnership program for the provision and/or development of preclinical applications of RNAscope Technology.
Dr Simon Plummer, Managing Director of MicroMatrices commented; "The power and versatility of RNAscope has been an invaluable tool to enable us to solve mode of action/efficacy/toxicity challenges for our clients in the pharmaceutical, agrochemical, and chemical industries. We are delighted to be partnering with ACD to promote the wider application of RNAscope technology in preclinical safety/drug development problem solving for our collaborators".
ACD's RNAscope assays represent a major technological advance for in situ RNA detection. For the first time, robust single RNA molecule detection is available for formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue offering quantitative molecular detection with morphological context in a single assay. Since their commercialization three years ago, these assays have been adopted across the globe by major pharma biotech companies and leading research institutions for drug discovery, translational research, and the development of clinical and companion diagnostic tests.
“ACD has established high quality performance standards through RNAscope products and services and MicroMatrices is known for quality, service and expertise in the drug development community," said Dr Steve Chen, Chief Operating Officer of ACD. "As ACD's install base is growing very rapidly in Europe, they are an ideal partner not only to extend our reach but also to solidify our commitment in service quality.”