Microplate Instruments from Thermo Fisher Scientific Simplify Performance and Maximize Results for ELISA Applications

14 Nov 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Microplate photometer and microplate strip washer provide a simple, modular solution to maximize results for routine enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) applications in diagnostic, as well as quality control laboratories.The Thermo Scientific Multiskan FC (IVD model) and Wellwash (IVD model) microplate instruments now conform to the European In Vitro Diagnostic Directive 98/79/EC and are available throughout Europe.

“Researchers working in ELISA applications need simplified solutions that will help maximize their efforts and results,” said Hanna Granö-Fabritius, business director, sample preparation & analysis, Thermo Fisher Scientific. “Our instruments are critically important for vitro diagnostics use and lab managers can be assured that these products are compliant with the IVD Directive requirements. Our instruments are designed to offer convenience and reliability in clinical diagnostics and quality control laboratories to improve ease of use and accelerate results.”

Designed with 30 years’ experience in microplate photometry, the Thermo Scientific Multiskan FC instrument is a reliable and robust filter-based microplate photometer, measuring absorbance in the wavelength range of 340 to 850 nm. The Thermo Scientific Wellwash instrument is an easy-to-use microplate strip washer offering convenience and versatility ideal for routine assay runs. Both the Thermo Scientific Multiskan FC microplate photometer and Thermo Scientific Wellwash microplate strip washer are compact, simple and easy-to-use, enhancing ELISA productivity and throughput.

Features include:
• Large color display with a logical and intuitive graphical user interface for easy use and operation
• Internal software available eight different languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese and Chinese) for regional customization
• USB ports for transferring data and protocols
