Millipore Announces Protocol for the Concentration of Genomic DNA for Forensic Analysis

1 Dec 2006

Millipore Corporation today announced the availability of a faster protocol using Amicon® Ultra-4 100K NMWL centrifugal filter devices to concentrate human genomic DNA to be used in forensic analysis.

Amicon Ultra-4 devices can quickly ultrafilter dilute nucleic acid samples for fast separation of genomic DNA from low molecular weight compounds and analysis inhibitors.

The source material for forensic analysis is typically blood or blood stains, bodily fluids and/or tissue samples obtained either from crime scenes, directly from individuals, or from human remains. The isolated genomic DNA is used to identify individuals based on their Short Tandem Repeat (STR) profile. The resulting STR genetic fingerprints are unique to each person and can provide unequivocal identification of an individual.

The Amicon Ultra device design is compatible with the multiple spin recovery assays used for STR analysis. The concentrated DNA is collected from the filter unit sample reservoir, while the ultrafiltrate can be collected in the provided centrifuge tube if desired. The Amicon Ultra centrifugal devices incorporate the Ultracel® low-binding ultrafiltration membrane in a vertical housing design to deliver high sample recoveries with 10-minute spin times. In addition, Amicon Ultra devices allow for direct pipette sample access and are compatible with most rotor types. Amicon Ultra-4 devices are available in packs of 8, 24, and 96 filter units, which come assembled with centrifuge tubes and caps.

