Millipore Introduces Industry's First Flow Cytometry Kits for Chemokine Receptors

12 Nov 2008
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

Millipore has announced the availability of 11 new flow cytometry kits for chemokine receptorquantification. The FlowCellect™ Chemokine Receptor Surface Expression Quantification Kits are the first flow cytometry kits of their kind. They provide rapid, sensitive assessments in various cell types.

Such assessments create a new standard in cell biology research, according to Jason Whalley, senior product manager for cell biology. “Rapid assessments of chemokine receptor expression can be used in many applications, including research on infectious disease and inflammation,” he explained. “As a plus, the level of expression can be quantified by comparing signals from positive and negative cells, which are included in the assay kits. This way, researchers can avoid the hazard and expense of performing radioligand binding assays.”

Chemokines play critical roles in a number of cellular processes. They are involved in leukocyte trafficking and activation, mediated by 7-TM chemokine receptors. In addition, they are also widely expressed on immune system cells, and can serve as vital indicators of autoimmune disorders and HIV infections.

These FlowCellect kits and six others for stem cell research introduced on October 15, are optimized on Guava® EasyCyte™ flow cytometry systems as part of Millipore’s long-term partnership with Guava Technologies.

In March of this year, Millipore and Hayward, Calif.-based Guava Technologies, Inc. announced a long-term partnership to deliver integrated flow cytometry solutions to scientists conducting research in cell biology. These new stem cell kits are the first developed by Millipore’s research team in Temecula, Calif.

