Millipore Launches Cell-based Assays for Neurotoxicity

13 Nov 2008
Student / Graduate

Millipore Corporation today announced the launch of new high content analysis kits for detecting neurotoxicity. The kits are designed for use in drug discovery and basic neuroscience research.

The kits identify toxicity biomarkers in neurons and glial cells. Detection of these markers may provide molecular and cellular signatures predictive of toxic effects on the nervous system. These kits can be used in many areas of neurological study including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. The products reflect Millipore’s expertise in high content analysis, neuroscience and in developing multi-parameter, biomarker-based assays.

Dr Stella Redpath, Group Product Manager at Millipore said, “We are very excited at the release of this family of kits, which are the first high content analysis kits for co-culture cells (neurons and astrocytes). They are also the first such kits shown to improve detection sensitivity for neurotoxins compared to traditional assays such as MTT and LDH.”

In pharmaceutical development, using improved assays for toxicity assessment alongside other ADMET methods– may reduce the chances of unexpected adverse toxic effects at later stages of the process. The kits have been developed by Millipore as a continuation of their portfolio of innovative discovery toxicology products

