Miltenyi Biotec to Demonstrate the MACSQuant® X Fully-Automated Flow Cytometry System at SLAS 2019

Miltenyi Biotec will showcase a fully-automated flow cytometry screening set-up at SLAS booth #316

25 Jan 2019
Frankie MacDonald
Administrator / Office Personnel

The MACSQuant® X was built on the premise of delivering a cytometer robust enough to process thousands of samples in a day. For that reason, it can be seamlessly integrated into a variety of robotic liquid handling systems, giving you access to unprecedented levels of automation. At the booth you will see a plate-hotel connected with the MACSQuant X, demonstrating the seamless integration.

Place your samples and walk away. Enjoy hands-free maintenance and sample processing with the built-in automation capabilities of the MACSQuant X. From start-up and cleaning routines, to compensation and shut-down, everything is completely automated.

The MACSQuant X’s integrated robotic pipetting arm can also stain your samples, allowing you to enjoy hands-free labeling of up to 384 samples at a time.

Live demonstration:

Come by our booth during exhibition hours for a live demonstration of the MACSQuant® X flow cytometer.

Contact Miltenyi to sign up for a private demo at:

Scientific program

Lunch seminar:

Automation meets cell separation: isolation of primary cells for in vitro assays in drug discovery. Lunch will be provided.
Presenter: Lotta Räty
Tuesday, February 5, 12:30–01:15 p.m., room 144 B

Poster presentation:

Poster #1078-D
Isolation of functional cells straight from buffy coat, LRSC, and Leukopak®

Tuesday, February 5, 05:00–06:00 p.m.

