MO BIO Laboratories, Inc. Launches the PowerWater® Sterivex™ DNA Isolation Kit

23 May 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

MO BIO Laboratories, Inc., the leader in soil, water and microbial nucleic acid purification, announces the launch of an innovative new product, the PowerWater® Sterivex™ DNA Isolation Kit.

The PowerWater® Sterivex™ DNA Isolation Kit is the only kit available to isolate genomic DNA from Millipore’s Sterivex™ filter units without the need for enzymes or hazardous organic chemicals. Utilizing a novel Cell Release Solution, microbes are released from the Sterivex™ filter units without extensive incubation times or cutting open the plastic casing holding the membrane, enabling purification of high quality DNA in just 40 minutes. Patented Inhibitor Removal Technology® (IRT) is included to provide inhibitor-free DNA from all types of water samples, even those containing heavy amounts of contaminants. Isolated DNA is ready to use in downstream applications including PCR and qPCR.

The PowerWater® Sterivex™ DNA Isolation Kit is available now. For more information visit the company article page.

