Modeling Cancers with Repositive PDX Platform

The highly anticipated platform was launched by Repositive at AACR annual meeting

19 Apr 2018
Han Yin
Administrator / Office Personnel

Cambridge (UK) tech start-up, Repositive, has successfully concluded the pilot phase of its data-sharing platform for PDX cancer models and is now extending the scope of the platform to include a wider range of translational cancer models. The platform enables oncology researchers to identify the particular cancer models that optimally represent specific cancer types and targeted patient sub-populations. It is the only one of its kind, being both globally accessible (not restricted to academics only or individual vendors) and searchable down to specific genomic characteristics.

Early adopter of the Repositive PDX Platform, Philippe Michon, Head of Business Development at XenTech, explains: “The Repositive platform answers one great challenge in preclinical oncology; by allowing scientists to search and access PDX model collections from around the world, it gives the ability to precisely pinpoint in a matter of a few clicks the exact PDX model sought”.

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Building on the success of the past 12 months of piloting the PDX Platform and based on feedback from the platform’s early adopters, the scope of the platform has now been extended: the beta version operates beyond PDX to incorporate a wider range of cancer models into the searchable platform. The new Cancer Models Platform Version 1 will provide a single portal for researchers to source a broad range of translational cancer models and related services worldwide. The Repositive team has demonstrated this new Cancer Models Platform at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting, Chicago, in April.

Fiona Nielsen, Founder and CEO of Repositive, said: “We have demonstrated the beta version of the new Cancer Models Platform on our stand at AACR and welcomed feedback from as many people involved in pre-clinical cancer research as possible. We would like to see researchers and representatives from both cancer model vendors and pharmaceutical companies, whether current collaborators or new contacts, to test the platform and feedback on its usability. We want to know what more we can do to support better and faster research of cancer cures!”.

Fiona added, “During AACR, on 17 April, we hosted a networking event for the current partners and future collaborators. The event included a panel discussion on the strengths and limitations of current popular model types, the opportunities and challenges of the newer 3D in vitro formats, and the relative merits of syngeneic vs humanized mice for immuno-oncology projects. We have met many more people who share our passion for translational oncology at the event, which took place at the Marriot Marquis, 2121 S Prairie Ave, Chicago.”

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The team at Repositive is currently on-boarding vendors and providing initial catalogue management and for the first time at AACR, showcased the platform to demonstrate its tailored functionalities. Oncology researchers can use multiple parameters and search simultaneously for a specific model, for example: PDX models originated from patients diagnosed with triple negative cancer and with Neurofibromin 1 (NF1) mutation deletion, and that have been established from a breast tumor biopsy. The early adopters can participate in the Beta phase at no charge and benefit from preferential subscription terms after the official launch.

Michon continued: “Our model metadata and data were successfully preloaded to the platform in March and, as early adopters, our experience has been really positive. We have had the unique opportunity, through providing feedback, to tailor the design of the PDX repository software to offer a high-end user experience: a key objective of XenTech. We were thrilled to join Fiona and the team at AACR for this first ‘public outing’ of the Cancer Models Platform.”

Daniel Gerlach, Team Leader of Oncology Bioinformatics at Boehringer Ingelheim, said: “Driven by the development of precision medicine and immuno-oncology, there is a big need to identify cancer models that can reliably predict which patient populations are likely to be resistant or respond to drugs and therapies. Repositive’s Cancer Models Platform will enable the growing number of developers and providers of such models to learn faster about current researchers’ needs. This will be an important part of speeding up progress, as users will be able to find and manage their inventory of selected models and associated data within a secure online platform that also protects patient privacy, confidential information and intellectual property. We are delighted to be working with Repositive on this essential innovation.”

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