Molecular Devices to Showcase Products at Drug Discovery Innovations 2013

11 Mar 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Molecular Devices will be showcasing their ImageXpress® Micro XL, FLIPR® Calcium 6 assay kits and SpectraMax® i3 during Drug Discovery Innovations 2013, booth 1, Maritim proArte Hotel in Berlin, Germany, 19-20 March 2013. They will also showcase their SpectraMax® i3 during 2013, Technische Universität München in Munich, Germany, 22 March 2013.

The SpectraMax® i3 Multi-Mode Detection Platform is available as a stand-alone reader with three broad detection modes: luminescence, absorbance, and fluorescence. Users are then given the option to upgrade to additional applications and detection modes which expands the system's detection capability making it highly versatile, and able to offer application options far exceeding those of standard readers. Additional detection modules include cellular imaging with the SpectraMax® MiniMax™ Imaging Cytometer, and cartridges for Time-Resolved Fluorescence, Fluorescence Polarization, and AlphaScreen® assays. The highly sensitive instrument accommodates the budget and throughput needs of both small and large laboratories alike. Combining cellular imaging with microplate-based applications offers new ways for scientists to compress their workflows and increase efficiency.

FLIPR® Calcium 6 Assay Kits boost calcium signals enhancing assay performance, allowing you to screen poor responders while tailoring conditions to your target’s specific needs. Rekindle low signal screens; including endogenous, primary or stem cell targets, Masking technology significantly reduces extracellular background with proprietary one-step protocol, Quench-free option permits assay multiplexing to better characterize signal pathways, Now understand target behaviour in the presence of an organic anion transporter using probenecid optional protocol.

ImageXpress® Micro XL is an invaluable tool for pinpointing mechanisms of action in the research or treatment of cancer, neurological disorders, viral infection, haemophilia, and premature aging. Regardless of resolution, and thanks to its laser auto focusing capabilities, brightfield imaging option and environmentally controlled chamber, the ImageXpress® Micro XL System offers researchers the benefit of imaging three times the sample area to deliver statistically relevant results in a third of the time. Whether searching for rare events or investigating multifaceted cell signalling pathways, the ImageXpress® Micro XL offers three times the data points per image to decrease the time to perform cellular- and high-resolution screens. This easily enables users to measure parameters such as cell cycle and apoptosis, the formation of micronuclei, neurite outgrowth, angiogenesis, intracellular translocation or endocytosis. For each assay, biological phenotypes can be automatically identified, segmented, and analysed using a validated software module to generate accurate results for rapid screening.

They will also be presenting during the Drug Discovery Innovations Conference on 19th March 2013 at 12:45 in the stream “Enhancing Lead Discovery, Pioneering Techs, Cell-Based Assays and Phenotypic Screening”. At the presentation entitled “Emerging Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Applications in Drug Discovery” you will learn how Stem cells have been successfully implemented in basic scientific research for many years, a fascinating class of stem cells are induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). They will address model human iPSC derived neurons relevant to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS and MS disease screened on two different platforms: Inhibition of cell proliferation, branching, and neurite outgrowth were analyzed microscopically with the ImageXpress® Micro, and classic fluorescence measurements were obtained with the SpectraMax® Paradigm®.

Picture caption: The SpectraMax® i3 Multi-Mode Detection Platform.

