multi N/C<sup>®</sup>: Accelerate Your TOC Analyses

16 May 2016
Alex Waite
Editorial Assistant

Profitability is more than ever in the focus of a purchase decision for a new TOC analyzer.

Beside initial and running costs the possible sample throughput is taken into account. multi N/C® was especially developed for an extremely high sample throughput.

A wide range of autosamplers is available for the automation of the analyzer. You can determine the automation level yourself and thus the sample throughput in your lab. For high-throughput labs, autosamplers with a capacity of up to 116 samples are available. Also users with small amount of samples do not need to work manually: The small, inexpensive autosamplers facilitate the work enormously.

The integrated sample homogenization (stirring), the automatic acidification and purge out features turn your autosampler into an all-rounder for sample preparation and feeding. In addition, time optimized processes, such as parallel analyzing and purge out, increase the sample throughput. While one sample is analyzed, the next one is already under preparation. Thus, multi N/C® can analyze twice as much samples. Thanks to self-check system and integrated auto-protection unattended 24/7 runs and further increase of sample throughput are possible.

Not only the TOC determination is fast: You can save a lot of time also for determination of TNb. From a single injection you get two results – TOC and TNb – without any conversion of the instrument, exchange of method or catalyst.

It’s time for an “economic boom” in your lab! Speed, high sample throughput, low downtime and extremely low running costs are guaranteed with multi N/C®.

