Multi N/C® — The High Performance TOC Analyzers

14 Jun 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

The TOC/TNb analyzers of the multi N/C® series set new standards. The parameters TOC, NPOC, POC, TC, TIC and TNb can be easily measured precisely, fast and reliably. multi N/C® is the ideal system for routine applications, such as the examination of drinking and waste water, or special applications, such as pharmaceutical purification validation.

The modular versatility and comprehensive range of accessories guarantee for every user an individual adaptation to the respective requirements. The fast readiness for operation, easy handling and long-lasting components make every model within the series to an ideal partner during daily practice.

The following analyzers are available in the series:
multi N/C® 2100
Compact and universal for environmental analysis
multi N/C® 3100
The multiple talent for almost all TOC applications
multi N/C® UV HS
Extreme detection strength even for complicated matrices
multi N/C® pharma with two models:
multi N/C® pharma HT and multi N/C® pharma UV
Predestined for pharmaceutical applications

With multi N/C® - experiencing innovation:

Large measuring range – even without sample dilution: precise detection due
to the high quality Focus Radiation NDIR Detector® (FR NDIR Detector) for TOC,
Chemoluminescence detector (CLD) or solid state chemical detector (ChD) for TNb

VITA® Flow Management System: for stable equipment performance and highly
reproducible analysis results.
Easy Cal®: easiest calibration with only one standard for the most varied
applications, including longterm stability.
Auto-protection: effective measuring gas purification and monitoring protect
high quality system components .

Reliable oxidation: high temperature incineration (up to 950ºC) or
high power UV reactor, variable injection technologies: valve-free direct injection or flow injection.

Variable injection volumes

TC, TOC, TIC, NPOC and NPOC plus, POC, TNb: multiple parameter

Suitable for the simultaneous TNb detection; solids analysis at the highest level: Double furnace technology — the ideal
combination for water and solid samples without additional furnace; Self Check System (SCS) for optimum operational and analytic safety; automation and modular principle: multitude of analyzers and accessories
tailored for your application

Did you really think TOC analyzers held no more surprises? Analytik Jena thinks the multi N/C® series will astonish you!

