Multiplate Analyzer Adds to Roche’s Hemostasis Portfolio

11 Jul 2012
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Roche has begun the distribution of the Multiplate® analyzer, a medical solution for the rapid determination of a patient's platelet function. The Multiplate analyzer aids health professionals to predict a patient’s thrombotic and bleeding risk enabling them to tailor anti-platelet therapies and to stratify patients at risk of bleeding during and after surgery.

The Multiplate is a compact and easy-to-use bench-top system can support physicians in making improved clinical decisions in cardiology, surgery and intensive care. The analyzer can be used to support decisions regarding, for example, anti-platelet therapies, as well as bleeding and thrombotic risk assessment.

“Multiplate ideally complements our new hemostasis portfolio as it combines proven medical benefit to health professionals with striking innovation for the clinical laboratory. Our roadmap in hemostasis diagnostics will deliver a continuing series of leading products in the coming years and Multiplate is our first tangible element that demonstrates the swift implementation of our new hemostasis strategy”, states Colin Brown, head of Roche Professional Diagnostics. The Multiplate analyzer was recently acquired with Roche’s takeover of Verum Diagnostica, an international leader in platelet function testing.

First deployed in the European, Middle-East and Asian region, the system comes with six CE marked reagents, including ADPtest, ASPItest, TRAPtest, COLtest, RISTOtest and ADPtest HS. By providing a turnaround time of whole blood testing on five simultaneous channels in 10 minutes, the Multiplate analyzer leads the industry benchmark available today.

