Multiple Analytical Techniques in One Instrument from CRAIC Technologies

30 Aug 2011
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

CRAIC Technologies has introduced the CRAIC Elixir™ which is designed for accurate and rapid analysis of trace evidence. The unit is a multi-functional tool for the forensic laboratory. It combines the ability to measure the refractive index of glass with high resolution microscope imaging and microspectroscopy by transmission, reflectance, fluorescence and polarization. CRAIC Elixir™ also features the ability to measure Raman spectra of microscopic samples.

The CRAIC Elixir™ solution integrates an advanced spectrophotometer with an optical microscope and powerful yet easy-to-use software to enable the forensic scientist to analyze all manner of microscopic samples of trace evidence. With high sensitivity, multiple analytical techniques (including absorbance, reflectance, Raman and fluorescence microspectroscopy) available, multiple microscopy techniques with high resolution digital image processing and the experience of CRAIC Technologies in forensic microanalysis, the CRAIC Elixir™ is ideal for your forensic challenges.

“CRAIC Technologies has been involved with forensic microanalysis since its founding. We have helped to advance the field of trace evidence analysis with innovative instrumentation, research and teaching. The CRAIC Elixir™ is a cost-effective tool for the modern forensic laboratory due to the reliability of its data, its speed and its ease of use” states Dr. Paul Martin, President of CRAIC Technologies. “CRAIC Technologies has built a superior solution that features the highest quality microscale imaging, microspectroscopy, the measurement of glass refractive index and even Raman microspectroscopy. And the CRAIC Elixir™ is backed by years of experience of its people in both design and the use of this type of instrumentation for spectroscopic analysis.”

