Nano-Positioning Stage for 3D Laser Lithography

16 Apr 2012
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

Piezo nano-positioning systems specialist PI (Physik Instrumente) now provides a 3-axis nano-positioning stage that is employed in a novel laser lithography system by Nanoscribe GmbH. The lithography system can produce complex 3-dimensional structures, fully automatic and repeatable with a precision and flexibility previously unavailable. Sub-micron structures with sizes of up to 1 mm und widths to 150 nm are feasible.

Piezo: The Driving Force

The driving force of Nanoscribe’s laser lithography system is a PImars P-563 flexure-guided, piezo-driven nanopositioning XYZ stage from PI. It provides positioning ranges to 300x300x300 microns and nanometer range repeatability.

A parallel-metrology position feedback system based on highly linear capacitive sensors is integrated and allows the sample to be moved precisely and repeatedly in relation to the laser focus. A digital piezo motion controller provides the necessary path control on a nanometric scale.

The high accuracy and fast response of the piezoelectric nano positioning stage makes it possible to equip surfaces with particular biometric characteristics or to create microstructures for small pumps and needles. Typical applications for 3D laser lithography are the creation of three-dimensional structures for cell biology.

