NanoPhotometer™ from Implen GmbH receives European accreditation

31 Jan 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Implen GmbH today is announcing the successful accreditation of the NanoPhotometer™ at Dr. Horst-Schmidt-Kliniken (Dr. Horst Schmidt Hospitals) in Wiesbaden, Germany according to the European series of standards for medical laboratories DIN EN ISO 15189. The NanoPhotometer™ accomplished all requirements in the context of the accreditation process at the Institute of Pathology and Cytology. The accreditation has been carried out by DAP German Accreditation System for Testing, Berlin, Germany.

The NanoPhotometer™ therefore is applicable to achieve the reliable spectrophotometrical analysis of very small volume nucleic acid and protein samples (starting with 0.7 µl) in laboratories with GMP requirements or accredited facilities. Aside from the small volume applications the system can be utilzed for the analysis of standard volume samples (like kinetics) in standard quartz or plastic cuvettes.

Implen is a leading supplier of instruments and consumables for submicroliter applications and system solutions for microarray based hybridizations and incubations. Implen is manufacturer of the NanoPhotometer™, the LabelGuard™ Microliter Cell and the DiluCell™ and is exclusive distribution partner of Olympus Life Science Research Europe GmbH, Munich, Germany for SlideBooster™ Hybridization Stations and AdvaWash™ Universal Slide Washing Stations for Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the UK and Ireland.

