Nanotechology applications open up to high performance DLS system...

17 Apr 2006

Viscotek reports that its state-of-the-art Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) instrument - the Model 802 DLS has demonstrated considerable utility in elucidating valuable information from nanoparticulate materials.

Used in nanotechnology applications including programmed release drug delivery systems, screening of protein constructs for crystallisation and cosmeceutical skincare formulations the Model 802 DLS has delivered outstanding results.

For laboratories that require a complete understanding of how proteins and other nanoparticles function in solution the Model 802 DLS provides superior sensitivity, resolution and accuracy compared to any other light scattering instrument currently available. These performance advantages are born out of Viscotek's exclusive single mode fibre (SMF) technology. Comprising state-of-the-art instrument matched to a user-friendly software system the Model 802 DLS requires only a small volume of recoverable sample (10 µl). The sample is introduced into the sample cell that is placed in a temperature controlled cell holder. The software-controlled instrument then makes the measurement and the results are displayed in seconds. A complete analysis from start to finish can be accomplished in minutes.

The Advanced Drug Delivery group at Nottingham University (UK) has a strong focus in developing colloidal and nanoparticulate drug delivery systems, so characterisation of the particles is an essential and routine step in their work. Increasingly other groups within the School of Pharmacy have also shown interest in measuring nanoparticulates. Dr Martin Garnett of the Advanced Drug Delivery Group commented "The Viscotek 802 appealed to us because it has a small bench footprint, so it was easy to fit in our lab to expand our capacity to measure a wide range of particle sizes. The machine is easy to use and robust, so it can be used by a range of people without too much training or supervision. We have found it to be as accurate to use and quicker than our older instrument. One of the most useful features however, is the low sample volume. As some of our routine work involves many measurements using expensive components, the ability to measure particle sizes on 50 or 12 microlitre volumes is a welcome feature".

Founded in 1985, Viscotek is the global leader in Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) / Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) detectors, software and systems for the characterisation of natural and synthetic polymers, copolymers, proteins, protein conjugates and nanoparticulate materials. Viscotek's innovative products and technologies are backed in Europe, North America and Asia by superior technical service and analytical support.

For further information on the Model 802 DLS please contact Viscotek.

