NDIS Approval of Promega PowerPlex® Fusion System Assists Laboratories in Meeting Evolving Standards

22 Mar 2013

Promega Corporation's PowerPlex® Fusion System is now approved for use in laboratories that generate DNA records for the National DNA Index System (NDIS). NDIS is the U.S. national database containing over ten million offender profiles used to help authorities in solving criminal investigations nationwide, using the FBI's CODIS system. This approval of PowerPlex Fusion follows the recent NDIS approval of PowerPlex® Y23 announced in January.

Launched in September 2012, the PowerPlex Fusion System is a 24-locus multiplex that incorporates common and informative loci used throughout the world. The PowerPlex Fusion System enables increased data sharing and greater discriminatory power than seen with previously available STR systems. The superior performance of the system, combined with its compatibility with existing allele-calling software and instrumentation, will enable laboratories to obtain more meaningful analyses without the need to invest time and funds into upgrading complex software or purchasing a new instrument.

Streamlined protocols are provided for amplifying extracted DNA, as well as DNA from sample types used for database and paternity testing. Cycling times of less than 90 minutes and reduced sample preparation times significantly shorten the total time needed to process samples, allowing laboratories to focus on more value-added activities.

"Our evaluation of the PowerPlex Fusion System and involvement in its developmental validation allowed us to directly confirm the value of this multiplex for forensic sample analysis", said Jeffrey Nye of the Michigan State Police Forensic Science Division, the sponsoring laboratory for NDIS approval submission for PowerPlex Fusion. "NDIS approval will mean that laboratories can use this assay today to meet current standards and have the additional markers already in place for future database expansion."

The PowerPlex Fusion System offers rapid, more accurate results for forensic casework, offender databasing and paternity testing cases.

