NeuroPure™ Primary Rat Neuronal Cells now available

17 Apr 2006
Kerry Parker

NeuroPure Primary E18 Rat Neuronal Cells

••NEW•• Six Fresh Cells Available:

E18 Hippocampal Neurons
E18 Cortical Neurons
P8 Cerebellar Neurons
E18 Hypothalamus Neurons
E18 Striatal Neurons
E18 Spinal Cord Neurons

Ready to use

Freshly isolated healthy neuronal cells - never frozen
Pure neuronal cells - 99.9% Glial cell-free

NeuroPure™ Primary Rat Neuronal Cells are live neuronal tissues isolated from Sprague/Dawley or Fischer 344 rat. These cells are prepared fresh each week and shipped in a nutrient rich medium that keeps the cells alive for several weeks under refrigeration. NeuroPure™ cells are ideal for a wide variety of applications including: transfection, pharmacology studies, immunocytochemistry, and neuron development studies.

