New 28 Day Custom Polyclonal Antibody Service from AnaSpec

10 Aug 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

AnaSpec introduces the Speedy 28-day custom polyclonal antibody service. This package includes peptide design from protein of interest, peptide synthesis and ELISA at day 28.

Leveraging proven technology from Eurogentec, AnaSpec's parent company, this protocol uses a proprietary mixture of Freund's free immuno-stimulatory compounds. The first bleed, obtained at the accelerated rate of Day 21 after the first immunization of a peptide antigen, is guaranteed to have a titer of at least 1/20,000 for one of the immunized rabbits.

Pricing of this polyclonal antibody package includes:
• Peptide design from protein of interest
• Peptide synthesis (>90%, 15 aa, 3-4 weeks)
• Conjugation to carrier protein (KLH, BSA or OVA)
• Choice of two New Zealand rabbits in SPF or non-SPF environment
• 28-day immunization protocol (not including peptide synthesis)
• ELISA at Day 28
• Antigens include single peptide or two peptides or customer-supplied protein (titer guarantee does not apply to customer-supplied protein)

