New ADME LIMS Release Makes Protein Binding Easier

27 Oct 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Debra 5.7.6, the latest release of LabLogic’s LIMS for drug metabolism studies, implements more than 70 modifications. Principal among them is the introduction of greater flexibility into the new Protein Binding module in order to allow easier set-up of plasma spikes and enhanced reports.

“Many of the improvements have been made to accommodate the needs and preferences communicated to us by customers,” says system director Huw Loaring.

“In the case of Protein Binding, for example, we have been working with an existing user who is upgrading to include the module so that their methodologies are included within Debra. We expect that the changes we have made will help other customers working in the same area.”

Many other modules benefit from the refinements introduced in Debra 5.7.6, from batch, weigh, dosing, pooling/splitting and treatment methods through to summary tables and security issues such as electronic signatures and audits.

