New AlphaSpec™ Spectrophotometer Software Enhances Ease of Use and Workflow

18 Mar 2009
Nadine Davies
Marketing / Sales

Alpha Innotech Corp., a leading provider of bioanalytical systems for drug discovery and life science research, has announced new analysis and measurement software that enhances the workflow and performance of the AlphaSpecTM in-tip microvolume spectrophotometer, an instrument that allows measurement of as little as 2 µl of sample in the pipette tip and complete recovery for further downstream analysis.

The software, Version 3.01, enhances the performance of AlphaSpec through several new features. To increase the accuracy and workflow of sample processing auto-blanking is now automatically performed. Additionally, the ability to set up and store linear interpolation graphs based on known standards allows users to quickly calculate concentrations of unknown samples using the Bradford, Lowry, or other common assays. Finally, individual graphs can now be overlaid, enabling the user to compare replicate samples or visualize changes in spectra with a glance.

To improve the workflow of sample measurement and analysis, the new software enables one click printing of all data and graphs, as well as the ability to export the data into Excel or ASCII format. For microarray customers, the software now displays the microarray dye incorporation ratios of labeled oligonucleotides. The software not only calculates the concentration of each dye but also the number of molecules per base.

The AlphaSpec is a compact UV/Vis spectrophotometer providing superior performance and an intuitive workflow. AlphaSpec’s in-tip detection design allows the user to simply pipette 2 µl of sample into the pipette tip which is then placed into the AlphaSpec for analysis. Since the reading takes place through the pipette tip via a non-contact method, the scientist can recover 100% of their sample for further experimentation. AlphaSpec is designed for applications involving DNA, RNA, protein, cell density and microarray sample absorption measurements.

“The AlphaSpec is a great tool for the molecular biology laboratory, where every sample is precious,” said Lawreen Asuncion, Product Manager at Alpha Innotech, “Based on customer feedback we continue to enhance the capabilities of the instrument and improve the ease of use.”

Learn more about AlphaSpec and the new AlphaSpec software by pressing the 'Request Info' button or following the 'Company Article Page' link.

About Alpha Innotech Corp.

Founded in 1992 and with over 10,000 systems sold worldwide, Alpha Innotech is a leading developer, manufacturer and marketer of digital imaging and analysis systems for the life science research and drug discovery markets. Our goal is to combine instruments, reagents and bioinformatics software to offer integrated modular technology platforms for the functional genomics, proteomics and cell analysis markets. Our customers include pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies as well as universities, medical centers, government research institutes and agencies worldwide.

AlphaSpec™ is a trademark of the Company. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
