New Application Note for Low Cell ChIP – Using as Few as 1000 Cells

28 Feb 2017
Mia Harley

Chromatrap® has published a new application note that demonstrates how its unique solid state patented technology provides unrivalled sensitivity allowing users to perform ChIP assays using as few as 1000 cells per immunoprecipitation.

Usually large cell numbers are required for performing ChIP, which poses something of a challenge when dealing with limited starting material. The available techniques for tackling small amounts of sample, rare cell types or difficult cell types which provide low yield of chromatin are usually long and complex, and involve DNA amplification or the spiking of samples with chromatin from another source.

In the application note, the authors demonstrate how the excellent sensitivity and wide dynamic range of the Chromatrap® ChIP-seq kit allows users to be able to perform ChIP from as little as 1000 cells with no difference in the level of enrichment, independent of starting cell number.

To download a copy of the application note ‘ChIP From As Little As 1000 Cells’ click here.

