New approach to compound library maintenance...

6 Apr 2006

Genevac ( have announced a new customer application report that discusses the role of a high performance centrifugal evaporator in the preparation of dry films that address the sample integrity and physical storage problems associated with compound library maintenance.

Smaller pharmaceutical companies often do not have at their disposal the dedicated automated compound handling facilities that enable avoidance of the problems encountered when storing samples in DMSO. The report describes a new high throughput process to produce compound libraries as dry films that have been validated for long-term storage.

The applications report how compounds were solubilised, reformatted from 96- to 384-well plates and then dried down using a Genevac DD-4 centrifugal evaporator for storage at room temperature. The high capacity of the Model DD-4X is shown to facilitate rapid sample-safe evaporation of sixteen 384-well plates to dryness in only 25 minutes at 40ºC. The described dry film methodology reduces the time for compound preparation and produces enough assay ready sets of dry film plates for at least 10 screens.

Difficult or sensitive samples are no problem to the Model DD-4X. Incorporating a high-performance pump and powerful IR lamps allows the Model DD-4X to rapidly remove most routinely used solvents with ease. For laboratories faced with handling samples in a variety of formats the easy-to-use Model DD-4X offers true versatility accommodating a wide range of tubes, vials, microplates and Fast-Stack multi-deck microplate holders.

A copy of the customer applications report 'Library maintenance for the smaller pharma' can be downloaded from or obtained by contacting Genevac on telephone + 44-1473-240000 or email

