New Automatic Cell Feeding Station PROcellcare for Life Cell Imaging

23 Sept 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

PROdesign GmbH launches the innovative cell feeding station PROcellcare based on a 96 well plate. The System has initially been developed by the licensing partner EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory).

PROcellcare stands for a system, which supplies live cells (in vitro) under the microscope with biological nutrient and working solutions thus allowing the scientist/developer to execute efficient and automatic dispensing and controlling processes of the equipment (microscope, table and incubator) and also facilitating the online supervision of the cells over a long period of time during the continuous operation mode (24h/7). This instrument is presently being applied within different market segments covering the fields of research and development in molecular biotechnology (Live Cell Imaging).

PROcellcare has been filed for patent by the licensing partner EMBL in Europe and will be presented on a microscope OLYMPUS type IX81 for the first time to the general public on the Biotechnica 2009 (Halle 9, Stand E08), which takes place from October 6 to October 8, 2009 in Hannover.


The treatment of cells and cell cultures, however, is one of the most complex and time-consuming work processes in a Live-Sciences-laboratory. The testing of active agents in, and on cell culture systems as well as the effects caused on the cells over a certain period of time is becoming more and more important. Small and medium numbers of tests, cells are generally handled und feed manually. The methods, however, how cells are treated and cultivated in the laboratory have barely changed over the last 20 years.

With this new PROcellcare system it will now be possible to execute tasks on live cells in High-Throughput-Rates. This automatic cell feeding system allows the automated cell culture, the exchange of nutrient and working solutions, image and video analyses for basic works, such as the exchange of nutrient and working solution media, as well as for long-term tests (24h/7).

Microtiter plate-based High-Throughput-Screening-Systems of live cells under the microscope OLYMPUS Typ IX81 are combined with a nutrient / rinsing and suction system, which will reduce today pipetting, handling and control processes to a minimum volume.

PROcellcare stands for a system, which supplies live cells (in vitro) under the microscope in the optical axis with biological nutrient and working solutions thus allowing the scientist/developer to execute efficient and automatic dispensing and controlling processes of the equipment (microscope and incubator). This instrument is presently being applied within different market segments covering the fields of research and development in molecular biotechnology (Live Cell Imaging). The system allows the supervision of the cells over a specific period of time (images and video analyses of cell reactions).

The PROcellcare system has been filed for patent in Europe and offers within this particular price segment a number of functions, up to now unknown on the market, for the freely configurable activation and control of pumps, engines as well as nutrient and working solutions supply systems. The user is offered a library of software functions, which helps him to configure his own working and cell culture environment as well as routines in accordance with his specific requirements.

