New Automatic, High Throughput Viscometer

23 May 2016
Alex Waite
Editorial Assistant

RheoSense, Inc. has introduced the NEW VROC® initium, the first automatic viscometer that revolutionizes viscosity characterization.

Equipped with automatic sample loading and sample cleaning, VROC® initium measures absolute viscosity as a function of shear rate across a wide temperature range. This allows unique viscosity fingerprinting of the samples. Samples in 96 well plates as well as 40 vial racks can be tested automatically with the intuitive software.

“VROC® initium was built on customer demands of high throughput automatic viscometers. This is a viscometer that surpasses their expectations,” -Dr. Seonggi Baek, CEO & President.

VROC® initium measures viscosity for sample volumes as little as 10 microliters, making early stage development of protein therapeutics cost effective. Automatic intrinsic viscosity measurements provide size of molecules in various formulations and in various conditions which help shorten development time significantly.

With the extreme repeatability and small footprint of VROC® technology, the VROC® initium is the workhorse for both research and routine viscosity measurements.

