New Beckman Coulter Kits Deliver Robust Ion Analysis with Capillary Electrophoresis

18 Feb 2012
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

Beckman Coulter, Inc. introduces two new kits for anion and cation analysis on the company’s P/ACE™ MDQ* and ProteomeLab™ PA 800* Systems. Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) analysis of ions performed using these kits delivers efficient, rapid separations with small sample requirements and short preparation times. The Beckman Coulter Ion Analysis Kits incorporate a unique dynamic coating technology that produces more consistent migration times than other approaches.

In drug discovery applications, the kits provide robust results for counterion analysis, an important part of purity determination for drugs. Compound libraries can be processed for counterion content even if solubility data is not available. The kits allow analysis of compounds over a wide range of polarities for applications with diverse sample matrices. In addition to pharmaceuticals, these kits can be used in the analysis of foods, beverages and industrial products for the detection and quantitation of organic acids, inorganic anions and cations, and aliphatic amines. The new Anion and Cation Analysis Kits are specifically formulated for the P/ACE MDQ and PA 800 CE platforms, on which they deliver low detection limits and excellent quantitation with stable migration times.

“CE is an attractive alternative to ion chromatography for the analysis of anions and cations, because chromatographic methods require a dedicated system,” explained Hans Dewald, product manager for Beckman Coulter. “These new kits expand the utility of our CE systems, which can also be used for many other analyses.”

Each kit contains reagents and standards for up to 500 runs. The Anion and Cation Analysis Kits are for research use only; not for use in diagnostic procedures.

