
New BioStat™ Multi-Mode System Offers Superior, Cost-Effective, Performance for Real-Time Measurement with Virtually Any Electrochemical Sensor or Electrode.

5 Apr 2006

ESA Biosciences, Inc., a subsidiary of Magellan Biosciences, Inc., introduces the BioStat™ System, a high performance, cost-effective, multi-mode potentiostat that is compatible with virtually any electrochemical sensor or electrode.

The BioStat System is a powerful tool that brings to every laboratory modern Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technology in a compact, affordable package. It can outperform more expensive, larger units in sensitivity, dynamic range, and flexibility.

“There has long been a need for a simple, cost effective way to take real-time measurements from electrodes and electrochemical sensors,” said John Christensen, ESA Vice President. “Until now it was necessary to choose between complex, expensive, multi-channel instruments or inexpensive, low performance potentiostats. The new BioStat System offers the best of both worlds and affordably puts high-sensitivity, multi-sensor analysis in the hands of every laboratory.”

The BioStat System allows precise amperometric or potentiometric measurements to be made independently on up to four channels for multiple testing, with the system handling signals of either polarity, employing either 2- or 3- electrode configurations. Total electrical isolation of each channel assures independent recording with ultra low noise.

ESA’s BioStat System provides useful, real-time data recording for Free Radical sensors including nitric oxide, oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen sulphide and super oxide. Using adapters for common connector-types found on such sensors, the system can be employed for any multi-channel, isolated data acquisition, as a digital current and voltage amplifier or photo current amplifier for diverse applications. Each channel can also be configured for precise temperature or pH measurement.

With its advanced DSP technology, ESA’s high-performance BioStat System delivers a dynamic range of 100,0000:1 in the input of data, with accuracies of 0.1 percent in amperometric or potentiometric modes. Temperature accuracy is 0.1 percent up to 100ºC.

Measurements on the BioStat System are displayed in volts, amps and other preset units such as pH, M, ppm, or ºC. Its operating software processes the data for real-time graphic display and analysis on the user’s PC or Notebook via a standard USB port. The software menu is based on a standard Windows® format so that all the control features are instantly recognizable to anyone who has used Windows.

The BioStat System is contained in a high quality, solid, all-metal case giving it an exceptional, virtually indestructible, robustness and immunity to external interference. Its extremely small size – about the dimensions of a paperback novel – significantly saves on lab bench space.

