New BiOsticTM Bacteremia DNA Isolation Kit

13 Apr 2009
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

MO BIO Laboratories has released a new product for extraction of DNA from cultured blood. The BiOstic™ Bacteremia DNA Isolation Kit is optimized for the extraction of total DNA from cultured blood for the detection of bacteria.

Blood samples are inoculated into the BioMerieux BacT/Alert® SA Culture Bottle for growth of potential pathogens while also removing the antibiotics in the patient sample. When extracting DNA from these samples with the BiOstic™ Bacteremia DNA Isolation Kit, all inhibitors from the medium are removed using MO BIO’s patented Inhibitor Removal TechnologyTM*. The purity of DNA allows for use in sensitive detection assays including Agilent BioAnalyzer assays for multiplex PCR products and real-time PCR.

The BiOstic™ Bacteremia DNA Isolation Kit, cat# 12240-50 is available in 50 prep kit or in a 2 prep sample size (cat# 12240-S). The BiOstic™ Bacteremia DNA Isolation Kit is sold for research only. For more information, follow the company website link on the right hand side of the screen.

* Patent Number 7,459,548

