New Boronic Acids Brochure

21 Oct 2008
Student / Graduate

Alfa Aesar, a Johnson Matthey company, has published a new 56-page technical document which outlines the chemical properties and highlights the main synthetic uses of boronic acids and related chemicals.

A major role in modern chemistry is played by organoboron compounds, among which boronic acids have emerged in a leading position. With the discovery of a wealth of new chemistry, in particular the Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reaction, together with their accessibility and ease of handling, boronic acids and boronates are now established as intermediates of great value and versatility. Applications abound in synthesis, catalysis, analytical chemistry and biological systems.

Since the commercial introduction of a small range of boronic acids by the former Lancaster Synthesis Ltd., more than thirty years have elapsed during which the astonishing growth of interest in this area of chemistry has been paralleled by an enormous increase in the diversity of examples available from commercial sources, including Alfa Aesar. With a recently expanded range of well over 500 boronic acids, esters and organotrifluoroborates, Alfa Aesar can provide outstanding synthetic and analytical expertise in these products.

The new publication outlines the chemical properties and highlights the main synthetic uses of these versatile molecules. The book also includes a listing of the Alfa Aesar range of boronic acids, boronic esters, oxazaborolidine reagents, coupling and hydroboration catalysts, phosphine ligands and boronylation reagents.
