New Brand of Centrifuge with Unique Features Plus Products for Microbiology, Transfusion, Environment

9 Nov 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

AWEL International presented its new brand of centrifuges at Medica 2010. All centrifuges provide large capacity for the class of model and, with the ergonomic AWELook™ design, offer easy access (other centrifuges are up to 40% taller), space-saving and simplicity of use.

Classical units also incorporate AWELight™ indication that samples are ready for analysis. Multifunction models add AWELock™ permitting rotor exchange in seconds and locking it onto the shaft and AWELine™ leveling control for absolute safety, important at their higher speeds. A range of 9 centrifuges is offered, with more to come.

Also shown at Medica was a selection of products from the new AWEL range of microbiology equipment. This includes blending, media preparation, distribution, pouring and air sampling instruments. A range of controlled environment products – CO2 incubators, biosafety and laminar flow cabinets, anaerobic cabinets, refrigerated storage units – is also available and a special series of products dedicated to blood banking extend the offer.

Available through a network of trained and knowledgeable distributors, the innovative products from AWEL ensure the customer of excellent performance, value and reliability.

