New cannabis and NMR videos trending on The Scientists' Channel

Connect with scientists around the world and discover the latest innovations in cannabis testing and NMR research with the latest videos from The Scientists' Channel

20 Nov 2019
Laura Sisman
Administrator / Office Personnel

The Scientists' Channel enables scientists to present their work and share innovations and expertise by broadcasting to a global audience through a fully moderated, trusted and independent platform. In this article, learn from experts in the cannabis and NMR research fields what is currently trending and the challenges these researchers are hoping to overcome.

Trending Cannabis Testing videos

Challenges in the cannabis testing industry and workflow developments to overcome them

Dr. Nathaly Reyes Garcés
Dr. Nathaly Reyes Garcés explains a simple workflow for the accurate analysis of pesticides in cannabis products via solvent extraction and GC analysis. Other Restek scientists discuss the challenges they are hoping to overcome in the cannabis testing community.  Quality control assessments for cannabis Dr. Jonathan Speare, from White Buffalo Laboratories, describes how the evolution of safety regulations is helping to legitimize the cannabis industry and the production of cannabis. Speare explains how Waters helps White Buffalo Laboratories test for different cannabinoids and other chemicals such as pesticides and mycotoxins and how these tests can be used to provide a safe product. 'We must work together to overcome challenges in cannabis production and extraction' Dr. Markus Roggen, the founder of Complex Biotech Discovery Ventures (CBDV), discusses the challenges of consistency within cannabis production. Roggen also shares insights into his exciting work on CO2 extraction, its advantages and the importance of collaborations in the industry - evidenced by his collaboration with major manufacturers to optimize their instruments for the needs of the cannabis industry. Current challenges and future hopes for cannabis as an “extremely versatile medicine” In this video, Dr. Ethan Russo, Director of Research and Development for the International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute, discusses its work with a company that is developing novel delivery techniques for cannabis-based medicines to treat cancer patients. Russo also identifies the current and future challenges faced in cannabis research, particularly legislation, and how they can be overcome.  Trending videos from the NMR channel Untangling the structure of disordered proteins in Alzheimer's disease with ultra-high field NMR Professor Christian Griesinger, Head of NMR-Based Structural Biology at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, discusses his work using ultra-high field NMR to investigate the structure of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) and how these could be important in diseases such as neurodegenerative diseases. The use of NMR to understand protein dynamics in disease Prof. Peter Wright, from the Department of Integrative Structural and Computational Biology at The Scripps Research Institute, talks about how protein dynamics relate to protein function and dysfunction in disease. Wright highlights the benefits of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) over other techniques, including the depth at which it can be used to show the mechanisms of proteins. Studying the structural biology and biophysics of HIV with NMR Dr. Tatyana Polenova, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Delaware, explains how the use of solid-state NMR spectroscopy in her work is providing fundamental insight into the structure of HIV by looking at molecular structures of the virus with atomic resolution. How optimized spin labels allow accurate in vivo distance measurements through EPR Prof. Daniella Goldfarb explains how, with optimized stable gadolinium complexes for labeling proteins, she is carrying out EPR distance measurements in vivo. Goldfarb attributes the success of this research to multiple collaborators. Visit The Scientists' Channel to stay up-to-date on the latest videos>>

