New Cell Organelle Detection Kits

6 Jul 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Three highly-selective detection kits for the examination of mitochondria, lysosomes, and nucleoli/nuclei in live cells are now available from Enzo Life Sciences. These kits feature proprietary fluorescent dyes that emit strong, consistent signals even after extended viewing periods; they are highly resistant to photobleaching and concentration quenching. The dyes are also compatible with most fluorescence detection systems, including conventional and confocal fluorescence microscopes and high content screening platforms.

Newest to the Enzo Life Sciences product line is the Total Nuclear-ID™ Green/Red Nucleolar/Nuclear Detection Kit. Specifically designed for visualizing nucleoli and nuclei in living cells, it utilizes a dichromatic staining method that permits researchers to easily examine the nucleolar dynamic changes in intracellular distribution, trafficking, and localization that arise from biological processes such as the cell cycle and ribosome biogenesis.

Also available are two kits designed specifically for use with GFP-expressing cell lines as well as cells expressing blue, cyan, or yellow fluorescent proteins. The GFP-Certified™ Lyso-ID™ Red Detection Kit, which has been validated for utility in the live cell imaging of lysosomes, contains a novel acidic organelle-selective dye which does not convert to a green fluorophore (a problem encountered with certain commonly used BODIPY- and acridine-based dyes). It is exceptionally useful when combined with GFP constructs and other multicolor cell analysis applications. The GPF-Certified™ Mito-ID™ Red Detection Kit contains a potent mitochondria-selective dye suitable for staining live cells as well as detergent permeabilized and/or aldehyde-fixed cells. Typical applications include assessing mitochondrial morphology changes, estimating mitochrondrial mass, and co-localizing GFP-tagged proteins to the mitochrondial compartment.

