New Clinical Research Solutions Help Accelerate the Future of Precision Medicine
Thermo Fisher Scientific showcases clinical research innovations at AMP 2015
4 Nov 2015
For attendees of the Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP) 2015 Annual Meeting Nov. 5-7, Thermo Fisher Scientific will feature a range of innovative clinical research solutions that help researchers uncover meaningful genetic information so they can better understand human disease (booth #1301). The company is also featuring several poster presentations and workshops focused on high-throughput technologies such as targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) and qPCR for various applications, including potential uses in peripheral blood monitoring and molecular profiling in solid tumors and infectious disease.
Thermo Fisher is also hosting an evening networking event Nov. 5 featuring presentations on precision medicine from distinguished scientists, including Stanley R. Hamilton, M.D., head of pathology and laboratory medicine at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, who will provide insight into the NCI-MATCH trial.
Featured Solutions for Clinical Research:
- The Oncomine Focus Assay workflow enables researchers to obtain results with FFPE samples, including precious samples taken from fine needle aspirates. The Oncomine Focus Assay is a targeted, multi-biomarker assay that facilitates simultaneous detection of hundreds of variants across 52 genes relevant to solid tumors. Designed for translational and clinical research, this assay includes solid tumor genes targeted by on-market oncology drugs and published evidence.
- For researchers looking for a single, simplified solution for the widest range of targeted sequencing applications, the new Ion S5 and Ion S5 XL next-generation sequencing (NGS) systems are rapid, cost-effective and flexible platforms that can be scaled for all research areas. Built upon the proven capabilities of Ion Torrent technology, the new Ion S5 systems combine the ability to sequence gene panels and small genomes as well as exomes, transcriptomes and custom assays. The platforms are designed with plug-and-play, cartridge-based reagents to make setting up and operating the sequencers simple and efficient.
- Built to isolate pure cell populations from tumor tissues, the Applied Biosystems ArcturusXTLaser Capture Microdissection System helps researchers consistently obtain clear and accurate results. The system is unique in combining both an infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) laser, giving researchers the flexibility to easily and rapidly capture large numbers of cells from dense tissue structures or gently isolate smaller, rare cell populations.
- Advanced molecular profiling methods using NGS and digital PCR (dPCR) help clinical researchers use blood samples to accurately profile mutations of interest in cell-free DNA (cfDNA) and circulating tumor cells (CTCs). The power of Ion AmpliSeq technology, the Ion Torrent LiquidBiopsy Platform and QuantStudio 3D dPCR System enable advanced rare cell isolation, manual or automated cell-free DNA extraction and NGS or dPCR analysis.
Hosted Workshops
Thermo Fisher will host three workshops on Wed., Nov. 4 from 8–10:50 a.m. at the Austin Convention Center, Grand Ballroom D, level 4. The talks will feature leading clinical researchers who will present data that demonstrate the power of targeted detection of variants within specific genes of interest within solid tumor and liquid biopsy samples. The featured workshops include:
- Workshop 1, 8 a.m.: Expand your results from FFPE solid tumor samples with Ion Torrent Oncomine next-generation sequencing (NGS) assays. Featured speaker is Seth Sadis, Ph.D., director of oncology research and development, Thermo Fisher Scientific
- Workshop 2, 9 a.m.: Advanced Ion Torrent next-generation sequencing (NGS) and Applied Biosystems digital PCR applications to analyze liquid biopsy samples in today’s laboratory. Featured speakers are Luca Quagliata, Ph.D., University Hospital Basel; and Jose Luis Costa, The Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto (IPATIMUP).
- Workshop 3, 10 a.m.: Molecular profiling in infectious disease research using high-throughput Applied Biosystems real-time PCR and Ion Torrent next-generation sequencing (NGS). Featured speakers include Elena Grigorenko, Ph.D., vice president of research and development, Diatherix; and Lucy E. Des Jardin, Ph.D., director, office of research and development, State Hygienic Laboratory, University of Iowa.