New Collaborative Focus on Targeted Protein Degradation for Cancer Drug Discovery

Eisai enters into collaborative research agreement with University of Dundee

8 Jul 2019
Georgina Wynne Hughes
Editorial Assistant

Eisai Co.,Ltd. has entered into a collaborative research agreement with the University of Dundee in Scotland, UK, regarding Proteolysis Targeting Chimeras (PROTACs) toward drug discovery in oncology. PROTACs consist of two covalently linked protein-binding molecules: one capable of engaging a ubiquitin ligase (E3 ligase) and another that binds to a target protein meant for degradation.

PROTACs work by recruiting an E3 ligase to tag the target protein for ubiquitination for degradation through the intracellular degradation system. It is hoped that research into PROTACs will lead to new drug discoveries for proteins present in cancer, which are difficult to treat with conventional small molecule inhibitors. In this collaboration, Professor Alessio Ciulli, one of the global pioneers in the field of PROTACs research, at the School of Life Sciences, University of Dundee is responsible for directing the research.

The collaboration combines the expertise and technology of the Professor Alessio Ciulli laboratory in PROTACs research with Eisai's discovery research and clinical development experiences in oncology, as well as findings of target protein degradation, with the aim to create innovative new drugs. Under this agreement, Eisai has the option to rights to develop and commercialize the compounds resulted from this collaborative research.

Eisai views oncology as a key therapeutic area and is aiming to discover revolutionary new medicines with the potential to cure cancer. Eisai will continue to create innovative drugs based on the cutting-edge cancer research and will seek to contribute further to addressing the diverse needs of, and increasing the benefits provided to, patients with cancer, their families, and healthcare providers.

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