New Customized Service for the Generation of Stable Cell Lines Expressing Specific Proteins of Interest

7 Jul 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Dualsystems Biotech AG now offer a stable cell line generation service. This two part process offers a wide selection of tags and takes just six weeks to complete. Available cell lines include HEK293 (human embryonic kidney cells), INS-1 (beta pancreatic islet cells), CHO (Chinese hamster ovary cells) and 3T3 (primary mouse embryonic fibroblast cells) along with many others.

The first part of the process consists of the construction of an integration vector containing the gene of interest and its transfection into the appropriate cell line. Tags can be placed at either the N- or C-terminus. Once a stable cell line has been selected, clones are expanded and expression of the protein is verified by Western blotting. Upon completion of the process, Dualsystems delivers five vials of frozen stocks with at least five million cells per vial, a Western blot demonstrating protein expression, and the cell cultivation protocol.

