New Diffuse Reflectance Probe Provides Non-Contact Analysis for UV-Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

3 Mar 2009
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

Axiom Analytical, Inc. has announced its fiber-optic coupled FDR-803 Diffuse Reflectance Probe. The new probe has been designed to yield optimum performance for the analysis of powders, slurries, and other diffusely reflecting materials. Its proprietary optical design1 provides a unique combination of high sensitivity, low stray light, and large depth of field and is suitable for use at distances of up to 120 mm from the material being analyzed. At the same time, its small diameter (19 mm) and sealed stainless steel construction make it suitable for insertion into small laboratory reaction vessels such a glass reaction vessels with 24-40 tapered joints and for use under vacuum conditions. The probe’s integral bifurcated 80 fiber-optic bundle provides an ideal combination of sensitivity and economy.

The Company anticipates that the FDR-803 will find application in fields such as chemical and pharmaceutical development as well in process analytical technology (PAT) modeling and scale-up. Methods developed using the FDR-803 can be applied on-line in full-scale process analysis in batch reaction vessels using the Company’s large scale diffuse reflectance probes such as its new model FDR-1800.

