New Drugs of Abuse Applications
23 Mar 2015
Lois Manton-O'Byrne, PhD
Executive Editor
Discover recent publications related to drugs of abuse, such as a new efficient platform for drug testing, amphetamine analysis in hair using SLE and LC-MS/MS, and the affects of long-term cannabis abuse on the brain.
- Exclusive interview: Advances in Forensic Science - Could Mass Spec Have its Day in Court?
- App note: Extraction of Urinary COOH-THC by Novum™ Simplified Liquid Extraction (SLE) and LC/MS/MS Analysis using a Kinetex® 2.6 μm C8 HPLC/UHPLC Column - Phenomenex
- App Note: Analysis of Amphetamine(s) and Bathsalt Type Drugs in Hair Using SPE and LC-MS/MS - UCT, Inc
- Exclusive Interview: Animal Model of Adolescent Cannabis Abuse Reveals Long-Term Prefrontal Cortex Alterations
- App note: Extraction of a Drugs of Abuse Panel from Oral Fluid Using ISOLUTE® SLE+ After Collection with the Intercept Oral Fluid Drug Test Kit Prior to UPLC-MS/MS Analysis - Biotage
- App note: The Extraction of Amphetamine and Related Drugs using Molecularly Imprinted Polymer SPE - Sigma-Aldrich
- Video: Anagnostics’ Drugs of Abuse Screening - Anagnostics Bioanalysis