New e-Shutter from Horiba Scientific Offers Exposures as Short as 4 Microseconds

3 Feb 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

HORIBA Scientific, global leader in OEM Grating and Spectrometer systems, is announcing its new electronic shutter CCDs and electronics, which fit on the VS7000-CCD-HSE (High Speed E-Shutter) CCD Spectrometer and other UV-VIS-NIR mini spectrometers. This ultra-fast back-thinned CCD Spectrometer outperforms most front-illuminated and low-cost back-illuminated CCDs, in stray light, dynamic range, and speed performance. This makes it the perfect CCD companion for short pulse applications (flash lamps, other pulsed sources), in life sciences, process monitoring and other analytical instrumentation applications, using emission, fluorescence, reflectance and absorbance techniques.

HORIBA Scientific recognized the need for improved performance from CCDs that are available for OEM, and has brought down the readout speed to 1 msec, and the e-shuttering down to a few microseconds in its new VS7000-CCD-HSE. An SNR of 525:1 is achieved in shot noise conditions on a single pixel of this linear CCD. The CCD features 2048 pixels and a sensitive area height of 1mm. The dynamic range is close to 10,000:1.

4 Wavelength Coverage Options

The VS7000 is now offered with 4 wavelength coverage options: UV-VIS (200–860 nm), VIS (380–750 nm), UV-NIR (200–1050 nm) and a new VIS-NIR (350-1050nm) grating. HORIBA Scientific also offers a larger 2D CCD with a faster e-shutter.

Reliable OEM Integration

The VS7000 sturdy single-optic platform with concave grating offers unsurpassed light purity. It has no moving parts or mechanical shutter, making it exceedingly reliable for OEM integration. In addition, it comes with LabView™ acquisition software for rapid testing during a feasibility phase. LabView VIs and DLLs are also available for OEM integration and customization.

“The VS7000-CCD-HSE new spectrometer electronics has been optimized for short pulse applications, and the CCD Full Well reaches 250,000 e- with great linear response,” said Nicolas Vezard, Vice President of Gratings and OEM Spectrometers for HORIBA Scientific. “As a result, the new HSE version is perfect for today’s new, challenging OEM applications, and we foresee the e-shuttering speed taking us to sub microsecond levels.”

HORIBA Scientific offers the VS7000 series of mini CCD spectrometers for high-volume OEM applications, ranging from hundreds of units to many thousands per year. HORIBA Scientific systems are designed and manufactured in the USA, and feature both highly competitive pricing and performance. Prior to its release, for more information, please click on the company website link below.

