New epCycleManager controls fast PCR!

24 Nov 2006
Kerry Parker

Eppendorf’s high precision Mastercycler ep thermal cyclers offer extremely fast heating and cooling for automated PCR in as little as half an hour. Now up to 30 Mastercycler ep modules can be networked and controlled by a single PC using epCycleManager, a user-friendly icon-based software program.

Easily installed and de-installed, epCycleManager provides password protection, real-time acquisition of temperature data and GLP conformity for all PCR experiments. Intuitive graphic programming and a Windows-like interface makes the control panel quick and simple to operate. Programs can be sent to several or all Mastercyclers in the network at one time and client/server architecture enables the status of a PCR to be checked from the PC screen.

According to Albrecht Wiener, Eppendorf UK Managing Director, ‘Mastercycler ep devices are already valued for providing fast, accurate and reproducible PCR. Now laboratories wanting to increase their PCR throughput can network and control as many as 30 modules using epCycleManager software. Any combination of different Mastercycler ep models can be networked and an optional motorised lid is available for fully automated environments. epCycleManager will further increase the flexibility of Mastercycler ep in biotechnology, biochemistry and medical research applications.’

Mastercycler ep devices have a small footprint and are extremely quiet. They also offer the novel ‘Electronic Sample Protection’ (ESP) technology which automatically adjusts tube height and stops the heated lid from touching sample tubes during heating. Preheating of the sample is prevented, condensation is eliminated and non-specific annealing is minimised, leading to greater accuracy and reproducibility.

