New Extended NIR Spectral Range of Auto SE

22 Jun 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

HORIBA Scientific has extended the spectral range of the Auto SE in the Near Infra Red, with the instrument now covering the wavelength range from 440 to 1000 nm. The enhanced performance enables automatic characterization of photovoltaic, semiconductor, flat panel display and optoelectronic thin film applications.

The Auto SE provides simple push button operation allowing sample analysis in just a few seconds. A complete report is generated automatically, and this includes film thicknesses, refractive index or optical constants, surface roughness, and depolarization.

The Auto SE is a highly featured instrument that includes an automatic XYZ stage, real-time imaging of the measurement site with MyAutoView vision system and integrated microspot optics. The combination of these last two features is ideal for accurate thin film metrology and for the characterization of nanostructured and patterned samples. Many accessories are available to suit a large range of applications from biotechnology to photovoltaic.

The Auto SE includes built-in diagnostic indicators for the automatic detection and diagnosis of problems, with comprehensive operator guidance for troubleshooting.

With two awards won in 2008, the Auto SE is a turnkey instrument ideal for routine thin film measurement and device quality control.

