New Extraction Kits for CyBio FeliX Liquid Handling System

Combined with high-throughput liquid handling, these specially matched kits are a step towards individualized workflows for nucleic acid extraction

17 Jul 2019
Georgina Wynne Hughes
Editorial Assistant

Fast, highly reproducible and of the highest quality – Analytik Jena is now offering optimized kits for nucleic acid extraction with the CyBio FeliX pipetting system. The combination of high-throughput liquid handling with specially matched kits allows for automated, parallel nucleic acid purification of up to 96 samples. The kits are another step for Analytik Jena in the direction of individualized workflow solutions for nucleic acid extraction. The goal is to offer every lab the perfect solution for its particular extraction needs and sample throughput.

The kits are based either on magnet particle technology or Analytik Jena’s own SmartExtraction technology. They allow for a simple, high-quality and high-yield extraction, and the purification of DNA from blood, tissue, eukaryotic cells, rodent tails, bacteria, yeasts, and plants. The portfolio also includes a kit for isolating DNA and RNA from viruses.

All the extraction kits for the CyBio FeliX:

  • innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit – FX
  • innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit – FX
  • smart DNA prep (a96) – FX
  • smart Blood DNA Midi prep (a96) – FX
  • smart Blood DNA Midi Direct prep (a96) – FX
  • smart Plant DNA prep (a96) – FX

With the CyBio FeliX Extraction Set, customers can optimize their CyBio FeliX for automated purification and isolation of nucleic acid even further. The set contains all the hardware components and software configurations needed for an automated extraction workflow. Users can get started right after a short introduction – time-consuming protocol programming is a thing of the past.

An overview of the CyBio FeliX Extraction Set:

  • 1x CyBio FeliX Head R 96/1000 µl, incl. Cover Magazine
  • 3x 96-Channel Magazine for CyBio FeliX Head R 96/1000 µl
  • 3x Support; 97 mm
  • 1x 8-Channel adapter for CyBio FeliX Head R 96/1000 µl incl. Support; 37 mm
  • 1x CyBio FeliX Gripper incl. Support; 37 mm
  • 1x Magnet Adapter Magnum FLX Enhanced
  • 1x BioShake 3000-T elm, incl. Adapter for deep well plates
  • 1x Waste Box
  • 1x Tip Transfer Tool 96/1000 µl
  • 1x Tip rack 96/1000 µl
  • Connection equipment (cable, USB hub, adapter)

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