New FluidX Saliva Collection Kit with Isohelix GeneFix™ Technology

24 Sept 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

FluidX Saliva Collection Kit is designed specifically to store and stabilize DNA within 2ml samples of saliva.

• 2D Barcoded Collection Tubes, Collection tubes are pre-filed with a fully tested and chemically optimized stabilization buffer. Clear markings indicate correct volume of saliva collected. With 2D barcode on the base, FluidX Jacket Tubes™ also provide clear human readable ID and a 1D barcode on the side for manual use.
• Unique funnel design. Simply screws on to enable the saliva sample to be delivered directly and quickly into the buffer. Design prevents spillages and flow-back, even if knocked over.
• Automation friendly. Tubes compatible with FluidX 24 tube SBS format storage racks. Racked tubes can be used with FluidX automated decappers to increase sample processing speed.
• FluidX racks for saliva collection tubes. Unique 1D rack ID to provide high contrast rack identification without a label. Unique 2D rack ID providing rack identification when used with any FluidX Rack Reader, without the need for an additional barcode reader.
• Isolation Kit. The FluidX Saliva Collection Kit integrates seamlessly with the 3 GeneFix™ Isolation Kit.

