New FluoroMax<sup>®</sup>-4 Bench-top Spectrofluorometer

12 Sept 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

HORIBA Jobin Yvon is proud to announce the new FluoroMax®-4 as the replacement for the legendary FluoroMax®-3. With a superb sensitivity of at least 400,000 cps for the water-Raman peak at 397 nm, and an industry-leading signal-to-noise ratio of 3000:1 minimum, the FluoroMax®-4 stands out from the crowd.

Fluorescence measurements have never been easier in a bench-top spectrofluorometer, with a wide range of accessories and our new FluorEssence™ software for Windows®. Versatile, powerful, and compact are the hallmarks of the FluoroMax®-4. Perfect for basic research, analytical measurements, and quality control, the FluoroMax®-4 uses an ozone-free xenon arc lamp for broadband coverage from the UV to near-IR.

Many accesories are available, allowing for almost any sort of fluorescence experiment you can imagine. They include automatic polarisers, stopped-flow device for kinetics, MicroMax 384 microwell-plate reader, autotitrator, temperature baths and Peltier heating/cooling devices, multiple-sample holders, a variety of cuvettes down to microlitre capacity, and fibre-optic bundles for remote or in-vivo measurements.

For rapid fluorescence-lifetime measurements, an optional TCSPC (time-correlated single-photon counting) accessory with interchangeable, intense, pulsed Nano-LED solid-state sources, covers wavelengths from 265 nm through to the near-IR.

