New fridge storage PCR enzyme for unrivalled ease-of-use

2 Oct 2007

QIAGEN’s new TopTaq™ DNA Polymerase combines a number of convenient features to provide unrivalled ease-of-use and high product yields in a wide range of end-point PCR applications. The benefits of TopTaq DNA Polymerase include fridge storage for immediate reaction setup, room temperature handling, and a single preoptimized protocol suitable for all PCR assays.

TopTaq DNA Polymerase storage buffer contains a unique stabilizer that binds to the enzyme preventing inactivation. This novel feature allows enzyme storage at 4°C and reaction set up without the use of ice - saving the time usually required for reagent thawing.

The unique buffer formulation and single preoptimized protocol eliminate the need for optimization of experimental parameters for individual-primer template systems, saving time and money. High yields of specific amplification product are achieved, even when amplifying a range of different sized products using the same Mg2+ concentrations and annealing temperatures.

TopTaq DNA Polymerase comes with CoralLoad™ Concentrate, which can be optionally added for immediate loading of amplified products onto a gel. Q-Solution is also provided for improved amplification of GC-rich templates.

Streamline your PCR by visiting the article webpage.

