New Guava EasyCyte Plus: High throughput multicolor detection meets easy and affordable flow cytometry and cell counting. See Guava at ASCB Booth #728!

16 Nov 2006

The new Guava EasyCyte Plus combines the expanded capabilities of a fourth color option with 96-well high-throughput screening, providing unparalleled productivity in a benchtop flow cytometer. Simultaneous four-color fluorescence detection greatly expands the results obtained from any one well, simplifying simultaneous monitoring of extracellular and intracellular events that may affect cellular function. Easy integration with third-party plate handlers makes high throughput flow cytometry a reality.

Like all Guava systems, the Guava EasyCyte Plus provides both direct absolute cell counts and population percentages, allowing you to monitor for changes in overall cell number, which could affect your assay. The Guava EasyCyte Plus system runs all of Guava’s turnkey assays:

  • antigen detection, up to 4 colors
  • cell counts/viability
  • cell cycle
  • cell proliferation
  • cytotoxicity
  • apoptosis, including annexin V binding; pan caspase and caspase 3/7, 8; TUNEL; and mitochondrial membrane potential.
  • and more...

With new Guava ExpressPro™ software, you can view eight dot plots or histograms per display. Features include plot overlays, customizable axes labels and statistics, batch printing of data files, and easy data transfer to Microsoft® Word, Excel, or PowerPoint® via standard clipboard commands.

Also on display – the popular Guava EasyCyte Mini and PCA Systems!

Be sure to attend Guava’s Tutorial and Poster session! For more information, just click on the article webpage.

GUAVA TUTORIAL: Effect of Calcium Regulation on Induction of Apoptosis or Necrosis in Hematopoietic and Non-Hematopoietic Cell Lines; also, Q & A Guava experts about Guava systems, assays, and applications! [Monday, Dec. 11, 6 - 7:30 pm, Room 32B; refreshments provided]

GUAVA POSTER: Hematopoietic Cell Differentiation and Activation in Primary and Cultured Leukocytes[Monday, Dec. 11, Noon - 3 pm, Presentation No. 1258/Poster Board No.: B549]

