New Gyrasol Signaling Assay Kit from AXXORA

29 Nov 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

The Gyrasol platform uses standard fluorescent instrumentation, allows the simultaneous monitoring of several fluor-labeled substrates, and does not require spectral overlap between donor and acceptor molecules. Suitable substrates include lipids, peptides, oligonucleotides, and cyclic nucleotides. Both substrate and ATP tolerances for the assays are high; 1µM-100µm and 1mM, respectively. The Z’ factor is typically >0.8.

Adaptable to standard instrumentation, Gyrasol Technologies’ cell signaling assays are easily scaled and automated for HTS. Particularly useful for biochemical analysis, cell based analysis, endpoint monitoring, kinetic monitoring, and other analyses, the assays produce stable detection products in approximately 24 hours. The assays require no radioactivity or antibodies and are available for PKA, P13K, Sphingosine kinase, Fyn kinase, PTP1B, PDE1C, PDE4A1A, and PDE5A. Also offered is a PanUmbra assay that allows researchers to develop custom assays for particular enzymes of interest.

This single-step “mix and measure” platform utilizes Gyrasol’s proprietary sensor, a small molecule that contains a trivalent metal ion that binds to phosphoryl groups on biological substrates that can be fluorescent labeled. The presence or absence of substrate phosphoryll groups is measured by the change in fluorescence of the fluor-labeled substrate when bound by the Gyrasol sensor, with the change directly correlating to the level of substrate conversion.

