New Hand-held XRF Measures Light Elements In Seconds

7 Nov 2008
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

The new xSORT hand-held energy-dispersive XRF from SPECTRO offers precise laboratory-like analysis in engineering, PMI or scrap-sorting applications by non-laboratory-trained staff. A specially developed Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) with up to 10 times the counting speed of conventional systems not only gives faster analysis and better detection limits for 41 elements from Magnesium to Thorium, but also allows the measurement of light elements like Aluminium, Magnesium, Silicon and Phosphorus without complicated helium purging or vacuum techniques. Typically, the full range of elements can be measured in a single run of only 2 seconds, or up to 10 seconds if the application includes light elements.

Particular attention has been paid to safety and ease of use. For example, a Safety Gasket made of X-ray opaque composite material completely encloses the measurement area to protect the operator from any X-rays that might be scattered by the sample. Also, if the instrument is accidentally activated without a sample, this is immediately detected and a shutter closes to cut off the X-rays within 200 milliseconds. Warning LED’s are illuminated when X-rays are on and a measurement is in progress.

For the ultimate in easy standardisation, the rear of the X-ray shutter acts as a built-in calibration sample. This check is carried out after every sample measurement, ensuring that accuracy and precision are maintained. Various result presentations are possible on the integral PDA, including a simple sorting mode when all results are compared to the first sample analysed. If access to a sample is restricted so that the PDA screen becomes difficult to see, it can be detached from the instrument for easier viewing while remaining connected to the xSORT via Bluetooth technology.

