
New ICCD for Plasma and Combustion Studies

2 Dec 2011
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

Andor Technology plc has announced the launch of the latest addition to its new iStar range of high-performance, scientific-grade ICCDs.

Andor’s new iStar 312T Imaging platform provides acquisition rates greater than 15 frames per second, ideally suited to combustion and plasma studies. This platform also offers “crop mode” and “fast kinetic mode”, allowing acquisition rates in excess of 5,500 spectrum per second (continuous) and 55,500 Hertz (burst) respectively.

As part of the iStar family, the 312T platform also features a -40oC thermo-electric cooling interface, low-noise electronics and high Quantum Efficiency photocathodes for high sensitivity. It also offers precise timing control through low-jitter electronics and comprehensive software control interface, as well as fast gating better than 2 nanoseconds.

The new iStar’s fully integrated Digital Delay Generator boasts ultra-low insertion delay and excellent timing accuracy down to a few 10’s of picoseconds, allowing precise synchronization of complex experiments through a range of input/output triggering options. Solis software provides an intuitive interface to accurately set all delays, gating and CCD parameters, while also offering a real-time control GUI for on-the-fly acquisition and timings optimization.

Antoine Varagnat, Product Specialist for Spectroscopy and Time-Resolved at Andor, commented that: “The 312T platform is the last - but not least by any means - addition to the iStar family, and complements perfectly Andor’s existing range of high speed, high-resolution Spectroscopy and Imaging Intensified CCDs. The 312T holds the performance pedigree of the new iStar platform with a unique combination of high sensitivity, high-speed, ease-of-use and versatility, and provides a very powerful tool for the LIF and PLIF technique user and combustion analysis community.”

