New ICPE-9800 Series: Thrilling Performance!

15 Dec 2014
Kathryn Rix
Administrator / Office Personnel

Shimadzu, one of the world leaders in analytical instrumentation, has released the ICPE-9800 series of simultaneous ICP optical emission spectrometers. Featuring user-friendly software, a proprietary design, Eco mode and enabling high-speed simultaneous analysis of multiple elements, these instruments improve throughput while reducing operating costs.

ICP optical emission spectrometers are used for analytical service- and quality control laboratories in a variety of fields involving environmental samples, drinking water, foods, pharmaceuticals and petrochemical materials.

The ICPE-9800 series consists of the ICPE-9810 which provides axial view plasma observation in a direction coaxial to the plasma, and the ICPE-9820 which in addition to axial view provides radial view plasma observation in the perpendicular direction. This dual view capability allows measurements to switch automatically between high-sensitivity axial view and high-accuracy radial view, enabling analysis of elements across a broad concentration range with a single method. Optimization of the plasma torch layout and plasma conditions reduces costs and ensures stable analysis.
This series features Shimadzu's mini-torch system and Eco mode, which reduces consumption of argon gas and power during measurement standby by approximately half in comparison to previous models. Furthermore, performance is ensured even when using 99.95 % pure argon gas and not the 99.999 % or purer gas generally used for ICP systems, thereby helping to reduce operating costs.

In addition, a vertically-oriented torch reduces memory effects and shortens rinse time. The adoption of this torch and vacuum spectrometer enables highly stable, high-throughput analysis.
ICPEsolution control software features intuitive operation for easy creation and optimization of methods, enabling a smooth analysis process from the start.

Lower operating costs thanks to Eco mode
When the instrument is not running, argon consumption is eliminated as the spectrometer is not purged but kept under vacuum conditions. In addition, the new Eco mode function suppresses the argon gas flow rate and power consumption automatically during measurement standby time, so consumption of power and argon gas between measurement sequences can be reduced by approximately 50 percent. In some cases, this reduces operating costs by several thousands of Euros over a three-year period.

Faster rinse time and reduced memory effects increase analytical throughput
The ICPE-9820 is equipped with a function that switches measurements automatically between high-sensitivity axial view and high-accuracy radial view modes. This allows analysis of elements across a broad concentration range, from major elements in samples to traces of toxic metals in a single method. Furthermore, the adoption of a vertically-oriented torch for this series reduces memory effects. This ensures stable measurement of low-concentration samples with only a short rinse time, even after highly concentrated samples have been measured previously.

Simultaneous acquisition of all wavelengths and easy re-analysis with ICPEsolution control software
The ICPEsolution software saves all spectral data obtained from the CCD detector. This allows users to add separate elements and wavelengths after measuring, and then check the data or re-analyze previous measurements, giving highly flexible analysis.
