New Inverted Confocal Raman Microscope

WITec’s proven 3D Raman imaging functionality is now available in an inverted microscope

27 Mar 2018
Finn Price
Administrator / Office Personnel

WITec has launched the alpha300 Ri inverted Raman microscope. It combines the advantages of data acquisition from below with the established merits of 3D confocal Raman imaging, a powerful and versatile technique that can chemically characterize samples nondestructively and without labeling or other specialized preparation. The speed, sensitivity and resolution of the WITec alpha300 series are now available from a new angle. Research applications in the fields of life sciences, biomedicine and pharmaceutics will benefit in particular from the new setup.

The inverted beam geometry of the alpha300 Ri delivers many advantages in sample access and handling. Specimens in aqueous environments such as cell cultures can be examined more effectively. Standardized liquid sample holder formats can be quickly and easily mounted and measured. This accelerates the experimental workflow and helps ensure consistency. Investigations in materials science will be aided by the very large working area that can accommodate bulky samples and the set focal plane. The motorized sample stage also facilitates the mounting of environmental enclosures and other accessories.

Many modular components and upgrade possibilities developed for the WITec alpha300 series are compatible with the Ri version. Other microscopy techniques associated with inverted microscopes, such as fluorescence, differential interference contrast (DIC) and phase-contrast can also be easily integrated.

According to Olaf Hollricher, Director of Research and Development at WITec, “Researchers in life sciences are accustomed to working with inverted microscopes and their advantages for in vivo measurements, among others, are well-established. Developing a variant of our alpha300 confocal Raman imaging series with an inverted beam is a logical step in the evolution of our product line. Now the benefits of nondestructive, label-free molecular characterization are available from below the sample plane, backed up by all the modularity and upgradeability inherent in our systems.”

The WITec alpha300 Ri will be showcased at analytica 2018 in Munich at the WITec booth A2/402. For more information, please visit

